Happy Holidays

by okzadmin on December 14, 2010

Here’s a video to put you in the Christmas Spirit!

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Ginger Striped Tabby Tiger Cats

by okzadmin on December 9, 2010

Are Ginger Cats Always Male?

A Portrait of Cats, Nike and Zeus

A portrait of Zeus the Orange Kitty, a red striped tabby, and Nike, a tortoiseshell or "tortie" tabby cat.

This is a common misconception about orange kitties. Ginger cats can be either male or female although ginger females are less common. Click to read more…


Kitten & Cat Photos

December 4, 2010

I’ve added a bunch of photographs of myself and Nike to my Photo Gallery. There are photos of the two of us as kittens, and also as full grown cats. Our people have more photos to share with you, so the ones we have put up are just a start.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

November 25, 2010

This is the time of year when we have some time to reflect upon everything we have to be thankful for. I am thankful for our little family, my sister, Nike, the dogs, Morgan and Bodhi, and our two people, Mary and John, and the younger one, Liz, who stops in every now and then.

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Hello World!

November 13, 2010

Welcome to my new web site, Orange Kitty Zeus, and my first kitty blog post. I never expected to be a blogging cat, but here I am!

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